Monday, April 11, 2011

What a long week!

Hello! Sorry I've been MIA for a bit. I've been a busy kid. On Friday, I went shopping for all the goods for my sister's baby shower and then I got a call from work. They needed me to come in. After work I did not feel like going home to cut fruit and veggies, so I went to a friend's house and hung out for a while. Saturday morning, I ran around frantically, to the party store, to the grocery store, to the party. I got lost in suburbia because Google told me to turn on a street that was actually signed something completely different. Thanks Google! I wrapped gifts, cut veggies and fruit, set up the party and drank enough caffeine to make a small elephant jittery. I went right from the party to work, got home at 1am and crashed. Sunday I spent about 5 hours at Panera working on my resume, a paper evaluating a website's usability based on heuristics, and my taxes. Looooonnnggg day. 

The party was beautiful. So many wonderful women in one room. My sister looked so pretty, pregnancy definitely suits her. There was TONS of food! At first I thought we would run out, but not even close. We had so much left over and we tried to send it all home with people. My friend's mom makes the most delicious mini cheesecakes. I may have had a couple... 

But it's OK, because as of this morning, I am back down to 173! Eeee!!!!!!! I haven't even been tracking my calories that closely, or running that much. I've just been eating when I'm hungry, eating healthy foods, snacking on fruits, and have small things when I'm craving them. It seems to be working well.

As for the working out, I was literally so busy, I couldn't swing it. And now, I have no voice, a sore throat, and an very stuffy nose. I sound like a muppet. 

How was your weekend?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Not hungry.

I ate so much yesterday and I'm not hungry at all today. Every time I ate yesterday, I was hungry within ten minutes, like starving. I had my usual breakfast of two pieces of whole wheat toast, almond butter, a banana and coffee at 8am, and by 9, I was famished again. I had another piece of toast and an orange. Lunch time rolls around and I was hungry again! I always bring my lunch and snacks to class with me since I'm there from 11:00am to 8:30pm. I had a turkey wrap, salad, almonds, berries and yogurt. Still hungry. Had a cookie. Still hungry. Had an apple, carrots, and a mini Luna bar. Got home from school, had chicken wrap with veggies and some pita chips. 10:30pm, hungry again. I finally just went to bed and here I am now. At least most of what I ate yesterday was healthy food. Lots of berries, fruit, and veggies. I just couldn't get full! 

Not hungry. I'm sitting next to my usual breakfast and I don't want it. This is so weird, usually I'm pretty hungry when I wake up. I guess I'm still full (FINALLY) from yesterday. I'm a big weirdo.

Good news though, I finished one project early! A full week early!! My paper that was due Thursday is now due Tuesday. I still have an interview today, work, and I'm going to try to finish my paper tonight. And there's still the baby shower on Saturday . . . I'll be glad when everything's done and I can enjoy spending time with my sister and our family and friends. 

Wish me luck on the interview today! I need a weekend job and this one would be perfect. It's a bartending job for an event and catering company in Minneapolis. From what they told me on the phone, it seems like I can pick and choose what days I work, which will be nice. I used to work retail on the weekends, and let me tell you, waking up early on a Saturday or Sunday to go running is one thing. Waking up early to go sell clothing to women is another. It was not fun and it sucked up my weekends entirely. Hopefully, this job will allow me to make some extra cash and still have a day off each week. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I am hungry! Yesterday and today, my meals have not been filling me up! I was starving all day yesterday, no matter how much I ate. Don't worry, I had more food by eating more fruit and veggies, but I'm still starving! What's up with me? It's not the kind of hungry where I want to binge on stuff, it's the real kind of hungry.

It could be because my week is insanely busy and I'm burning through everything. I also eat when I'm stressed, but this is actual hunger. I have a large project due Thursday, another due a week from today, another due a week from Thursday, I'm hosting a baby shower for my sister on Saturday, I have a job interview tomorrow, I'm working on my resume so I can send it in to get an internship, my hours at my bartending job just doubled because of a big staffing shift which includes working Friday night and Saturday night right after the baby shower, plus it's that time of the month. I'M STARVING.

I don't know how much time I'll have to workout this week. It's pretty packed. I might skip cardio this week and workout at home with some strength stuff, but that might be all I have time for.

Do you ever go through a phase where no matter how much you eat, you are still really hungry? I'm not talking about being munchie and wanting to eat anything covered in chocolate or salt, but being actually hungry. What do you eat when that happens? 

Monday, April 4, 2011


Hey guys, I might be blogging less for a little bit. I've got a ton on my plate the next few weeks and I'm busier than ever! No worries, it's the good kind of busy. I'll update more later, but I've got to get on with my day!

P.s. Shoulder workout today. I can't lift my arms now. Owwww! Oh, and I discovered the stationary bike today. Tons of fun and my quads are feeling it! Cross training, here I come!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

6.4 miles

No walking. No stopping. Straight jogging/running twice around Lake Calhoun's bike path. Yup. Sure, I was moving slow, but I was still going faster than the speed walkers. 

I decided yesterday it was time to try a long run. I don't know why, but I just really wanted to test myself. I've never run farther than 4.5 miles, and I figured if I'm going to set a goal of doing a half marathon in October (did I ever mention that goal? *See side note) that I'd better try out longer distances. Usually I just run 3 to 3.5 miles most days, but I had a Saturday off and it was SO beautiful in Minneapolis that I just went out and did it. 6.4 miles later, here I am, glowing in my accomplishment. 

Have you ever heard the phrase, "piss like a racehorse"? Charming, I know. Racehorses really push themselves during races and overexertion can cause bleeding in the lungs and nose. They are given a medication before races to keep them from bleeding during the race.  This medication is also a diuretic, which causes heavy urination. Combine that with the sheer adrenaline horses feel before racing and they pee a lot before races. Well, that was me before my run. No, I wasn't on any meds, but I was so pumped up for this run for some reason that I had to pee 3 times before I even started. 

The first 2 miles were just fine, nothing difficult, just a nice easy pace. I always start and stop at the same point around the lake, and there is one stretch at the beginning of mile 3 that I hate. It's straight and slightly uphill the whole way. I cruised my way down (or up) that stretch and started on my second lap feeling good. Then the side stitches hit. "Breathe through them. In and out, breathe, and don't break the pace." I kept saying that to myself. I'm pretty sure people could hear me talking to myself, but frankly I didn't care, they only saw me for a few seconds and then I was gone. My legs still felt strong and my breathing was good. I was a a good pace that I could keep the whole time. Around mile 5, my left IT band started getting tight and my leg started cramping. I was not about to stop, I had made it that far and I was going to finish. I started trying to shake my legs out mid-stride, which just made me look stupid, but I didn't care who was watching, I just wanted to finish what I had started. 

I could see my car ahead of me about a quarter of a mile and I decided to finish strong. I sprinted as hard as I could manage that last quarter mile. I have never felt so proud of myself. 6.4 miles!

Nice way to start the weekend, huh? :) I need a nap now.

*Side note. I don't remember if I've mentioned my goal of running the Monster Dash Half Marathon in October 2011. It's my ultimate fitness goal for this year and being lighter and healthier will definitely help me attain it. I think I'm going to run it dressed as Lindsay Lohan, my Halloween costume from last year. Check out the mugshot board I made:

Handmade by me. Please, no stealing this idea!

OK, shower and nap time. I'm tired.

Friday, April 1, 2011


I have fallen so far off that wagon that it's miles away and I'm too full of bad food to go catch it. I've gained back 4 pounds in the past 2 weeks. I haven't been eating well, I've been giving in to temptation left and right. My self-control is gone! Where oh where did it go?! 

I've lost focus. I guess I'm just so sick of constantly thinking about food. It's annoying to not be able to just EAT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON and not have to count every calorie, think about every meal. It seems like food is what I spend 50% of my day thinking about, and believe me, I've got a lot of other things to think about. I'm so sick of not being able to be around food and not want to devour it, or reading a yummy recipe for cookies and be hit with an uncontrollable craving for sugar. I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL WITH FOOD! I want to be able to go to a restaurant and order something healthy without having an internal battle with myself over wanting to order fries and grease.

Yesterday was prime for me. Someone brought cupcakes to my typography class, I didn't even consider saying no. Someone else had pecan sandies, had a couple of those. I had just finished dinner when my friend called asking if I wanted to go to Liquor Lyles for drinks and apps. Sitting in my living room, I figured, sure I can go and order water and not eat apps, no problem! Well, 3 beers and tons of appetizers later, there I was wanting to punch myself in the face. My roommate had also just eaten dinner, she had maybe 3 cheese curds and declared herself too full for anything more. HOW DOES SHE DO THAT? What is it like to be full? I don't get full until I've stuffed everything I can into my face. I don't understand.

It's April 1. I'm done with feeling guilty about food. I'm done with giving into temptation. I'm done wanting to beat myself up. If fighting temptation makes me feel great, why don't I do it more often? Why do I give in to temptation when all it does is make me feel like crap later? WHY? It doesn't make sense, so I'm done doing it. 

I am making a promise to you, dear readers, for the month of April, I will not have one cheat, I will not give in to one temptation. You are holding me to it. I want to see if I can do it. If I have enough willpower and self discipline to do it. One solid month of ZERO CHEATS. No little nibbles, no dinners out, no alcohol, no pop, just good for me food. LET'S DO THIS!!!