Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Here's a pickle for ya

I hate pickles, by the way. And I've never understood why, "That's a pickle!" means something is hard to figure out. What about a pickle is hard to figure out? Anyway. Please stay with me, I've had some Sudafed and I just woke up from a nap.

Which brings me to the point of this post. I stayed home from work today because I have a sinus infection and my face not only felt like it was going to explode, but it looked like it too. I am a puff ball in my face. I fell asleep for a while and I woke up SO MUNCHIE. I wanted everything and anything. Luckily, it was lunch time, but I still munched on a couple of things I shouldn't have. This happens to me every single time I take a nap. I will wake up not even hungry, but wanting snackssnackssnacks! This doesn't happen in the morning when I wake up, just when I take naps. What do you think?

A few websites seem to think this is because my blood sugar is low before I nap, which is why I'm tired enough to nap, and then it's even lower after my nap. The thing is, I had a snack of almonds before I fell asleep, thinking if I had a snack before my nap, I wouldn't wake up hungry. I think for me, it's more to do with how groggy I am when I wake up and my self-control is still asleep. It's like I'll come to 5 minutes after waking up and find myself with my hand in a box of crackers or a tub of ice cream.

Do you get munchie after naps? What do you think is happening to me?

UPDATE! I just got hit with that feeling. No, not that one, get your mind out of the gutter! That feeling that I need to MOVE. I had completely forgotten about my sinus infection and went for it. And it was such a beautiful day outside in Minneapolis. I ran around Calhoun and it was perfect. I jogged the first 2 miles and then did interval sprints the last mile. It was perfect. I hit up Whole Foods after my run having been hit with food inspiration. I picked up some frozen yogurt, aged balsamic vinegar, almond butter and another MASSIVE bag of baby carrots because I plowed through my first. I'm going to *gasp* change up my breakfast. I've been eating Skippy Natural Peanut butter, but I don't know if that's the best choice for me. So I'm trying out almond butter. We'll see how it goes! 

My dinner tonight. Spinach salad with my newly purchased aged balsamic vinegar, red onions, a salmon burger and an english muffin with a bit of Smart Balance buttery spread. Grand total: 337 calories and so so so tasty!

I'm trying really hard to try new recipes and put new things together. I'm finding out that variety is my friend. I get sick of certain foods and then I stray off the plan because I'm bored. If I can get creative, I'll be more likely to stick with it every day. After a great run and a great dinner, I am feeling way better. Sinus infection: you're no match for me!

1 comment:

  1. I am happy you felt well enough to run. Awesome!

    And OH MY GOSH I always have to snack after I wake up from a nap. Like you though, I don't think I am hungry... I think it is more of a mental thing.
