Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I am hungry! Yesterday and today, my meals have not been filling me up! I was starving all day yesterday, no matter how much I ate. Don't worry, I had more food by eating more fruit and veggies, but I'm still starving! What's up with me? It's not the kind of hungry where I want to binge on stuff, it's the real kind of hungry.

It could be because my week is insanely busy and I'm burning through everything. I also eat when I'm stressed, but this is actual hunger. I have a large project due Thursday, another due a week from today, another due a week from Thursday, I'm hosting a baby shower for my sister on Saturday, I have a job interview tomorrow, I'm working on my resume so I can send it in to get an internship, my hours at my bartending job just doubled because of a big staffing shift which includes working Friday night and Saturday night right after the baby shower, plus it's that time of the month. I'M STARVING.

I don't know how much time I'll have to workout this week. It's pretty packed. I might skip cardio this week and workout at home with some strength stuff, but that might be all I have time for.

Do you ever go through a phase where no matter how much you eat, you are still really hungry? I'm not talking about being munchie and wanting to eat anything covered in chocolate or salt, but being actually hungry. What do you eat when that happens? 

1 comment:

  1. Great question! I do have those days (sometimes several in a row) when I am starving. I try to stay in my calorie range by eating healthy fiber filled foods. The fiber really does help. I also know that I tend to have a large weight drop after those days so I stick to the plan and wait for the results. :)
